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Income Tax Return Indivisual Resident
We take care of everything, so you don’t have to worry about your taxes anymore

Why Income Tax return need to file?
Why Income Tax return need to file?
Income Tax return filling is legal requirement in India as per Income tax Act 1961 The following taxpayers are required to file a mandatory income tax return are listed below:
Any private, public, foreign, domestic company.
Any Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and unlimited liability partnership.
Any total individual income is exceeding the exemption limit.

steps included in the process

Documentation Documents are provided by the client
Computation of Income Based on above documents Income is calculated and sent to client for confirmation
Calculation of Tax Payable Tax payable is calculated based on Income
Payment of Tax Computation of Tax is sent to client and informed for payment
Submission of Return Prepared income tax return is uploaded to income tax portal using clients id and password
uploaded to income tax portal using clients id and password
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